Approved Bylaw Changes:

New language in bold. Deletions in strike out.


Article VIII-Election of Building Representatives:

Section 1- Each elementary school and alternative school shall have at least one (1) Building Representative to the council. In addition each building shall have one (1) alternate representative who will attend representative council meetings when the building representative is unable to attend. When necessary, elections, shall be held in September and Representatives shall take their seats at the first meeting in October of the Representative Council.

Section 2-At the middle school level and the high school level, there will be one building representative for each twenty-five (25) members or major fraction thereof. not to exceed four (4) representatives from the middle school level and six (6) representatives from the high school.  This language shall not be construed as a maximum. Where possible, representatives will be sought from within departments at both the middle school and high school levels.

New Section 3-The Unified Arts department, ELL department and the Support Services department shall each have at least one representative to the council.




How to Change a By-Law:

These by-laws may be amended by Representative Council. Amendments may be proposed by the Representative Council members. Amendments shall be proposed at one regular meeting and voted on at the next regular meeting. A copy of the proposed amendment, together with the recommendations of the Representative Council shall be posted in each building of the Association at least 10 school days prior to a meeting of the Association. A simple majority of those present at the meeting is required to adopt the proposed amendment.